Have you ever tried your hand at writing a novel? 你尝试过写小说吗?
Don't write your name in ordinary hand writing. 不要用普通字体写你的姓名。
Finally he tried his hand at novel writing, and he succeeded. 最后他试图写小说,果然成功了。
I haven't come up with a "Conjunction Junction" equivalent for learning UNIX, but I'll try my hand at writing such a song in the coming months. 我还没有为学习UNIX构想出与“ConjunctionJunction”相似的作品,但是我会在未来的几个月里尝试亲手编写这样的歌曲。
Writing letters and notes incorporated hand writing skills, organizational skills, and learning about the person or persons you correspond with. 手写书信的能力写信和记笔记构成手写的写作能力、组织能力以及学习人与人之间的通信沟通交流能力。
Avoid unnecessary motion of your hand while you are writing. 当你写字时,避免不必要的手部动作。
I always had smudges on my hand from writing and usually I'll have to redo what I'm doing. 我总是无污痕了我的手就从书面形式,并通常我要重做我在干什么。
But you are a quick hand in writing. 但是你是个写作快手。
Worked in foreign company for10 years, good oral English, good English and Chinese typing skill, good hand writing, 11 years driving license, looking for part-time assistant. 十年外企工作,良好的英语口语,中英文打字熟练,字写得不错,11年驾龄,寻求兼职助理工作。
In printing, a grade of paper made for hand writing and used in typewriters. It can also be used for printing. 印刷技术中一种手写和打字机用的纸,也可供印刷使用。
I thought I would try my hand writing a novel, although I had never written one before. 我虽然没有写过小说,但我想尝试一下。
He resolved to make up for his loss of formal education and try his hand at writing. 他决定补上失学的损失,从事写作。
To set the hand writing IM time out value, tap the Hand Writing arrow and then tap the desired value from the menu that appears. 要设置手写输入的等待时间,点击等待后面的箭头,然后从下拉列表框中点击您需要的值。
Both ambidextrous and multilingual, 20th president of the United States James Garfield could write Greek with one hand while writing Latin with the other. 美国第20任总统詹姆斯·加菲尔德左右手都很灵活,他还通晓多国语言,这使他可以一只手写希腊文而同时另一只手写拉丁文。
And later, when I tried my hand at writing, I experienced the joy of seeing my thoughts fill a page. 而后,当我试图自己写作,我亲历了看见自己的思想布满书页的乐趣。
FIREFLIES had their origin in China and japan where thoughts were very often claimed from me in my hand writing on fans and pieces of silk. 萤有它的根源在中国和日本。当我在那儿的时候,人们常要求我把我的情思亲笔写在扇子和丝绢上。
After she lost her job, she thought she'd try her hand at writing a novel. 她失去工作后,她想尝试着写一部小说。
The heavy fluted barrel and cap accentuates the elaborate details of this hand crafted writing instrument. 沉重的槽桶帽突出这手牌的制作细节的精心书写工具。
This is your hand writing in black and white. 这是你的笔迹,白纸黑字,不容抵赖。
I can't hardly read your hand writing? 我几乎辨认不清你的笔迹。
Examination of hand writing of an adult whose writing habit had not formed 书写习惯未定型成年人笔迹检验
On the one hand, argumentative writing is based on judgment reading. 其一,评判性阅读是申论写作的起点。
On the other hand, writing is very hard for second language learners as it requires them to express themselves fluently and accurately. 另一方面,对于二语习得者来说写作非常难因为它要求他们表达得既流利又正确。
After finishing their first writing draft, they directly hand in their writing to the teacher for correction. 完成第一稿之后,他们将写完的第一稿直接交给老师评阅。
On one hand, good writing habit can improve students 'language comprehension ability and help shape their morality; on the other hand, it is essential both in our studies and future work. 一方面,良好的写作习惯,有助于提高学生的语言感悟能力和个人修养;另一方面,无论在学习、工作还是生活中,写作是每个人必备的一种能力。
On the one hand, writing ability is more difficult than other skills forlearners; on the other, writing teaching is a big challenge to the teacher. 一方面,对学习者来说写作能力是四大技能中难度较大的一种;另一方面,对教师来说写作教学具有很大的挑战性。
Recording of information is accomplish by hand writing and hand painting mainly when paper notebook was used. 在使用传统纸质笔记本的时候,我们记录信息主要依靠手写文字、手绘图片。
The approach consists of seven cascaded classifiers, each classifier focuses on one feature between hand writing connected components and the contents of connected components of murals. 该方法由7个级联分类器组成,每个分类器针对字迹连通分量和壁画内容连通分量不同特征。
On the other hand, in writing music of fu also shows that it has certain music aesthetics music aspect, has both the aesthetic value. 另一方面,在描写音乐赋的同时还表现出具有一定的音乐美学思想,既具有音乐方面的美学价值。